Applying for Grants

Grant Applications now open


Shap Community Enterprise exists to help build a stronger community through making grants to local groups in the Shap area. We aim to help support the wide network of voluntary activity, social opportunities, clubs and organisations that maintain the vitality and integrity of the place we live in.


What do we fund?


We want to make grants to a wide range of organisations that are based in, or undertake activity in, the Parishes of Shap and Shap Rural. We are particularly keen to help grassroots community groups and small sized voluntary organisations.


Examples of groups we would be keen to fund include;


Children and young peoples activities such as Scouts, Youth Club etc. Schools and other educational opportunities. Support for the elderly and other vulnerable groups in our community. Our buildings such as the Memorial Hall. Community events and other activity that bring together residents or enhance our village. Sporting activity such as our swimming pool, local sporting clubs and so on.


We do not make grants to large UK-wide charities, but we might make grants to groups who operate primarily outside the area if their application has potential to achieve a substantial impact in the Shap/Shap Rural Parishes.


You do not have to be a registered charity to apply, but the work you ask us to support must support local community groups and advance general charitable purposes. 


From time to time the Trustees will prioritise particular areas to fund based on tangible, current and identified local need. Please check our website for up to date details or contact us directly.


Grants can be used to pay for;

  • Equipment and capital items
  • Sessional costs of instructors etc
  • Ongoing delivery costs such as room rental
  • Promotion of your group
  • Travel costs for your group or activity.
  • Volunteer costs

We will not fund requests to support:

  • Contributions to general appeals or circulars;
  • Religious activity which is not for wider public benefit;
  • Public bodies to carry out their statutory obligations;
  • Activities which solely support animal welfare;
  • Activities which have already taken place.
  • Grant making by other organisations


We expect to distribute in the region of £20,000 of grants per year to the Shap Community.


Who do we fund?


Any local community group with a governing document (constitution, rules, memorandum and articles of association etc.). You must also have a bank account in your group's name with at least two unrelated signatories.


Community Interest Companies and other social enterprises are eligible to apply. Our approach is to consider helping such organisations, where there is a sound evidence of community and charitable benefit.


You can apply to us whatever your income level.


How much do we award?


There is no minimum grant size we will consider but there is a maximum grant size of £10,000. Due to the size of funding available we expect most grants awarded will be below £1,500.


How long does the grant last?


We usually expect the grant to be spent within 9 months of receipt.


Which area do I need to be in to apply?


Activity funded by Shap Community Enterprise must take place in the Civil Parishes of Shap and/or Shap Rural. We will fund both local groups and groups who operate over a larger area for elements of their work taking place in Shap.


What other sort of support is available?


In some cases our Trustees may be able to provide information to you or your community group on other grants available or other sources of support you can receive for your group, volunteer and beneficiaries. We may also be able to help in developing your organisations governance, or policy and practice framework. Contact us directly to discuss.


When should I apply?


We award grants four times every year at Trustee meetings. These are generally held in the second week of May, August, November and February.


Applications must be submitted two weeks prior to this. 


Deadlines are as above.



When will I get a decision?


We will inform all applicants on the success of their application within a week of the Trustee meeting. In certain situations we may decide to award you a grant but with particular conditions attached. These will be described in any offer letter.


You will be advised whether you will be eligible to re-apply in the next round for the same purpose if you current application failed.


Please note if you have previously had a grant from us we will not consider any new application unless you have sent us all the required grant reports.


What do I need to do once I receive a grant?


We expect a senior member of your group (usually your chair) to formally accept the grant and sign terms and conditions. You will also need to supply us with you bank details and confirmation of two signatories. All grant recipients will be expected to complete a simple end of grant report detailing the impact of your funded activity.


For further information


You can contact us directly . Call into the charity shop. You can also directly contact Elaine Allison on 01931 716771


Application forms and copies of our grant making policy can be found below. Details of previous grants awarded can be found on our Previous Grants page.

SCE - Grant-making Policy
SCE - Grant-making Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [412.4 KB]
SCE Grant Application Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [192.2 KB]
SCE Grant Application Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [62.7 KB]
SCE Grant Monitoring Form .docx
Microsoft Word document [53.7 KB]

Contact us

For Second Chance Charity Shop

Donations and Volunteering

Tel: 01931 717561


For Grants and other enquiries

Tel: 01931 716771

Find us

Second Chance Charity Shop &

Shap Community Enterprise

Verdun House




CA10 3NG




Shap Community Enterprise is a Registered Charity No. 1160193


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